Tactile experience of a book

With the recent closure of Book Depository, one might think that print is dying but I doubt that we will ever stop collecting books. Whether it is a coffee table or a novel, reading a book by flipping its pages will always be my preferred choice. The tactile experience in itself is important, similar to physically visiting a brick and mortar or an art installation. On the other hand, having my kindle on flights does make packing so much simpler so it isn't a question of advancement but of convenience. 

These are some books that will be available in store soon for your browsing.

  1. Collectors Weekend.

    Instead of trekking across the country to visit collectors' private and passion-filled collections which is what takes up so much of our time, we ...
  2. Don't be intimidated by size

    The TP-90H is one of the larger designs in the Fores collection, adorned with the cherished Mino washi tradition in a style known as "harusame pap...
  3. Pizza & Puzzles Weekend

    Welcome to a fun-filled weekend of Jigsaw puzzles and pizzas! Get ready to unleash your inner puzzle master and indulge in delicious treats while d...