Tactile experience of a book

With the recent closure of Book Depository, one might think that print is dying but I doubt that we will ever stop collecting books. Whether it is a coffee table or a novel, reading a book by flipping its pages will always be my preferred choice. The tactile experience in itself is important, similar to physically visiting a brick and mortar or an art installation. On the other hand, having my kindle on flights does make packing so much simpler so it isn't a question of advancement but of convenience. 

These are some books that will be available in store soon for your browsing.

  1. Pizza & Puzzles Weekend

    Welcome to a fun-filled weekend of Jigsaw puzzles and pizzas! Get ready to unleash your inner puzzle master and indulge in delicious treats while d...
  2. Exhibition Recap

    Over a month has passed since our exhibition showcasing the Bamboo craft of Ippo Shimomoto. It was a pleasure to share our exploration as well as d...
  3. Weekend Market: March 2024

    Come hang out with us at our quarterly weekend market. Prepare to indulge in an array of delights, from delectable bakes to artisanal coffee, exqui...